
Who we are?
Ustinov GCR is…
Everything. The Ustinov College Graduate Common Room (GCR) is the student body representing Durham University’s postgraduate community. We are a registered charity, consisting of two key elements, members and an elected committee. Members pay a levy (the cheapest in the university), which is used to provide facilities, entertainment, experiences, equipment, funding, and, above all, memories! It is the work of the GCR that results in students here saying that their time at Ustinov was one of the most memorable periods of their life. So join us for formal dinners, excursions, parties, karaoke, sport, movie nights, and much much more! Want to help shape people’s experience, then consider running for a position on the GCR Committee!
Induction Handbook
Usually, we’d have handed over a copy of the GCR Handbook when you arrived at college, but we thought we’d be eco-friendly by doing things digitally this year.
You can download the 2020/21 GCR Handbook below, which is full of useful info that will help you settle into life in Durham and answer some of your immediate questions.
Download the Ustinov GCR Handbook 2020/21.
Once you’ve done that, you can also visit the Ustinov GCR Official Site. Or you can go and meet people, have fun, and enjoy Induction Week!
We’re looking forward to meeting all of you!
The Ustinov GCR Committee